Sunday, June 20, 2010

How easy is it for a dog to get ringworm from a person?

I know a person can easily get ringworm from animals, but is it as easy for a person to pass it on to a pet. One of my dogs was exposed to someone tonight that I found out afterwards has ringworm. Although there was very little contact the person did pet her. My dog is a mixed breed with long hair so it is unlikely the person actually touched skin, only hair. I am concerned about my dog and also the fact that I have 4 more dogs (who were not exposed to the person) as well as a cat, and there is no way to keep them all separated. The one that was exposed I immediately brought home and gave a bath using a povidone-iodine solution. I would like to take any and all precautions possible, in hopes that there is no outbreak. I just really wonder how strong the possilbility is and how long before I would see signs if it does happen. Please help if you know anything about this topic - I would greatly appreciate any input. Thank you, thank you, thank you in advance for any info.

How easy is it for a dog to get ringworm from a person?

Ringworm is contagious. It can be spread from any living species to any other living species. Treat and monitor anyone infected or exposed weather family or pets.

How easy is it for a dog to get ringworm from a person?

Animals can catch it from humas as easily as we catch it from them. Do you worm your dog regularly? If so, she will be fine, if not get her wormed as soon as you can.

You should also get something for yourself too, just in case.

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