my dog has been kept indoors for 4 yrs now shes well taen care of i only bath her the od time and i hoover her every few days but every day my house is covered in her hair she is a shorth haired dog ,, any ideas on how to slow down the molting
Why is my dog still molting?
Even short fur dogs shed, some even shed all year round or during the season changes. Dogs that have Hair as opposed to fur do not shed, but need to be groomed. To lessen the shedding, Brush your dog daily to get rid of excess fur. Also make sure the diet is good quality with omega oils and essential fatty acids that help to maintain a healthy skin and coat. If you feel the shedding is very excessive, I'd get a thyroid screening from the vet.
Why is my dog still molting?
Tis the season!
You might want to consider a Furminator, it is a God send, I'm telling you! Other than that, if she's on a high quality kibble (which would keep her coat healthy), you might want to talk to the vet to make sure she doesn't have an allergy or skin condition that could cause excessive shedding.
Why is my dog still molting?
This is a common problem my suggestion is simply. Brush her everyday perhaps even using a small shreding brush to pull of excess. Also i would suggest giving her lots of fish to keep her coat healthy, and pears sounds weird but it is very good for there skin and fur. Hope this helps.
Why is my dog still molting?
Short haired dogs will shed year round. If you are feeding a high quality food and brushing regularly, that's all you can do.
Why is my dog still molting?
Well... Birds molt. Dogs Shed...
But beyond that - it depends on her breed. My German Shepherd does not have long hair, but she sheds year round.
Their food can also have something to do with shedding and skin health. What type of food are you feeding her?
There are also medical causes for poor skin and hair health that could be affecting her. How often do you take her to the vet? Does she get an annual check up? I couldn't figure out how often you bathe her from your post. I am not sure what "the od time" is, so I don't know if it's often or not. My Shepherd gets a bath approximately every 3 - 4 months.
Why is my dog still molting?
You cannot slow down the regular normal shedding of hair. Dogs kept indoors shed year round, sometimes more in the spring and summer.
You might be able to keep the hair loss to a minimum by brushing often, that would be almost everyday. Having your dog shaved a couple of times a year will help also.
If how your house looks is more important that a living breathing creature, you should probably not have a dog. Maybe look into finding a home where they do not care about animal hair?
Why is my dog still molting?
Nothing you can do. Every dog that has fur, regardless of length will shed. Different breeds shed more or less and others. Keep her well groomed and clean, you can bath her once every 3 weeks. Make sure she is not lacking in diet or has a skin disorder (dryness, flaking, itchy) which can contribute to more hairloss. She may have even developed allergies. Take her to the vet to get a health check incase there is something medical.
Why is my dog still molting?
You can get a #40 clipper blade and brush her with that and that will pull all the loose undercoating which will greatly reduce the amount of hair you have in the house. Start at the neck and in small areas gently brush her all the way down her body. You will need to do this every day for about 2-3 days then usually just once a week-you will be amazed at the difference it makes.
Why is my dog still molting?
dogs do through stages where they molt, for instance after winter they molt alot cause they are losing fur so they can stay cooler for the summer
Why is my dog still molting?
because that old mutt is getting old. Try to use some hair growing cream, Or get a shirt and pants for your naked dog.
Why is my dog still molting?
My dogs get brushed every single day and they still drop hairs all over the place. It is easy vacuuming the Alsatian's hair as it is long but the Ridge-back's hair sticks in the furniture and carpets and is so difficult to get rid off, her hair is short. My dogs loses hair all year long and the short haired dog is the worst. Just learn to live with it if you want to have them in your house. Look past it and just vacuum, vacuum, vacuum. :)
Why is my dog still molting?
What breed is she? Some breeds moult all the time, all year round. My dalmatian does it, even after a bath and brush.
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