Sunday, June 20, 2010

What kind of small dog is a 1 person dog,with a little gritt & spunk to it,no yorkies or chihauh

i want a little house dog for me,just me,a 1 person dog,i will be the only 1 handling it %26amp; feeding it for the first few months so we can bond,but i want something with some spunk %26amp; grit to it,I wanted a boston but was told no matter what i do it will still be a family dog,my husband has a pekignese,both of my sons each have a chihauhau,i think bostons are so cute,i don't want another chihauhau,no yorkie,(to delicate),no poodle,thought about a minpin,what do ya'll think,give me some ideas,my kids will pet it just enough so as when it gets older it won't eat them up,i want something that will be a lap dog but will play to,no long hair,(have allergies to long haired dogs),will be in the house nothing to big

What kind of small dog is a 1 person dog,with a little gritt %26amp; spunk to it,no yorkies or chihauhaus?

A dog of nearly any breed will pick out it's "person".

However, purposely not socializing a dog to try to make it like you better is selfish and is a recipe for disaster. Why do you want a dog that would hate everyone else? What's the benefit of that? The dog will likely grow aggressive towards other people and animals. The dog will also lack confidence and likely be a fear-biter. Do you really want to have an afraid, skittish, snotty little dog? You'll end up not being able to take the dog anywhere because it will be an unsocialized wreck. If you have guests in your house, the dog will likely be aggressive towards them.

Please rethink this idea. A dog is a living being. It does not deserve to be deprived just because you want to feel loved by it. A dog can be a well socialized member of your family and still be loyal to you. Although there is no guarantee who it will be it's "person". Even if you try to box it in as "your" dog, it could could still pick a different person in your household to bond more with.

(I know this probably came out kind of harsh, I didn't mean it to sound that way, but there's really no other way to put it.)

What kind of small dog is a 1 person dog,with a little gritt %26amp; spunk to it,no yorkies or chihauhaus?

Get a Corgi My mother-in-law has one and that is her dog if you approach her wrong the dog will bite but it is a smaller medium size dog. Not big but not like a toy. He is a real good dog

What kind of small dog is a 1 person dog,with a little gritt %26amp; spunk to it,no yorkies or chihauhaus?

toy fox terrier!! would be perfect for you .. doesnt shed .. doesnt need a lot of room to excercise.. small dog..not to mention very cutee

What kind of small dog is a 1 person dog,with a little gritt %26amp; spunk to it,no yorkies or chihauhaus?

I think you should check out a west high land terrier better known as a westie.

What kind of small dog is a 1 person dog,with a little gritt %26amp; spunk to it,no yorkies or chihauhaus?

a little terrier of some kind pug 2?

What kind of small dog is a 1 person dog,with a little gritt %26amp; spunk to it,no yorkies or chihauhaus?

It doesn't really matter what you get. The animal will relate better to SOMEONE in the house best. No telling who it will bond to best!

What kind of small dog is a 1 person dog,with a little gritt %26amp; spunk to it,no yorkies or chihauhaus?

Terrier's are know for their loyalty, smarts, and fun temperament. They come in many sizes, but I would recommend the Rat Terrier. They are black and white, shed very little if their coat is kept up and have lots of personality to boot. Medically, the terrier class is very sound and easy to keep.

Most terriers were used as hunters, as the Rat Terrier name implies. But there are lots of kinds and lots of different colorations. Terriers in general are good watch dogs, too.

What kind of small dog is a 1 person dog,with a little gritt %26amp; spunk to it,no yorkies or chihauhaus?


What kind of small dog is a 1 person dog,with a little gritt %26amp; spunk to it,no yorkies or chihauhaus?

mimiature doberman????

What kind of small dog is a 1 person dog,with a little gritt %26amp; spunk to it,no yorkies or chihauhaus?

have you looked into a Westie? West Highland White Terrier

What kind of small dog is a 1 person dog,with a little gritt %26amp; spunk to it,no yorkies or chihauhaus?

weenie dogs...real sweet but scrappy.

i reread your question...bad bad idea. your setting yourself up for a disaster. dogs can be territorial and since you have children it would be terrible if the dog became jealous of your children wanting affection and ended up biting them. please reconsider this, ive seen it happen personally.

What kind of small dog is a 1 person dog,with a little gritt %26amp; spunk to it,no yorkies or chihauhaus?

get a puggle... it is a mix betweed a pug and beagle. they dont get to big have short hair and act like a big dog. plus they are very loving

What kind of small dog is a 1 person dog,with a little gritt %26amp; spunk to it,no yorkies or chihauhaus?

The Shih Tzu. Yes they are long haired, but they do not cause allergies in people, they are known to be a great dog for people with allergies. I keep mine in a puppy cut, so you don't have to brush all the time. They are loyal, fun loving, great with kids and a great little lap dog. Plus they are the cutest things on this earth. Good luck finding a new puppy.

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