Thursday, June 17, 2010

What is the deal with dog lovers?

Sorry guys, but I am taing care of a dog for a truck driver in exchange for rent. The dog is hairy, stinks, and rules the entire house. She is super old, licks herself all the time, and lays in the middle of the doorway. She tries to get on MY couch and has already ruined it. She weighs 150lbs! She barks at me, my kittens, and anything that comes within a ten miles radius of the house, especially at night. She begs for food and eats cat poop.

The thing that kills me is how dog lovers compare dogs to humans. Come on! Give me a break! This owner would save his dog before he'd save a human infant. He is told me that, and compares her to my daughter. It is positively stupid.

Today is 98 degrees with 72% humidity. I am COVERED in black dog hair and sweat and the aroma of stank dog is in the air. I used to like dogs, but now I think I hate them.

What is the deal with dog lovers?

What is the deal with dog lovers?

Dogs are intelligent and act as one of the family. Your dog just sounds badly trained. Cats are evil little creatures that torture their food and do what they like, with no loyalty.

I kick cats whenever I see them and I think I can get away with it. HAHAHAHA.

What is the deal with dog lovers?

1 answer the owner is a truk driver

What is the deal with dog lovers?

You would luv me !

What is the deal with dog lovers?

You would never understand.

What is the deal with dog lovers?

its probably just the dog. not all dogs are like that. some dogs are very nice, quiet, and loving. but i do agree, that dog sounds like a nasty pain!

What is the deal with dog lovers?

I'm a dog lover and I don't compare them to humans.

Who compares them to humans? And why?! lol Dogs are nothing like humans. You could say that about any animal.

That's just ONE dog out of billions you're identifying. Sounds like quite the mutt...I wouldn't particularly like taking care of it either.

Are you really asking "what's the deal with dog lovers", or are you asking what's the deal with that messy dog you're stuck taking care of?

The dog's owner needs help lol. A dog can easily become part of the faimily/ help with despression/anxiety/ whatever but to save a dog before your own daughter?? Especially one so messy and smelly? Sounds like this dog needs a good bath, either that or it's seconds away from its death bed, being so old.

What is the deal with dog lovers?

if you are a caring person, then you let the dog into your heart

What is the deal with dog lovers?

you must have a hateful heart. My puppies are my world. They are going to grow up and be old some day, but they will still be part of the family. That's just what it is. What's up with you as a cat lover? They are boring and aren't loving. Dogs depend upon you, they love you back, and they bring a lot of joy to families. Dogs have a lot of annoying habits, as do cats, other animals, and HUMANS! get over yourself and be appreciative of free rent.

What is the deal with dog lovers?

They love their dogs.

What is the deal with dog lovers?

I like dogs, almost approaching that I love them, but it's more the ideal than anything else. Even taking care of my own dogs has been quite a challenge at times. There is no way that I would put a dogs life in front of a humans, despite the fact that I almost agree with that old saying, "The more I know humans, the more I love my dog", which just means that humans can be Butheads, while dogs that are affectionate are not. However, I still feel like human life is more sacred, as much as I admire the loyal dogs.

What is the deal with dog lovers?

what is the deal with cat lovers

What is the deal with dog lovers?

well its probably just that dog thats makeing you hate them, not all dogs are that bad .. im not a dog lover but they are ok. I love cats and they tend to smell really bad 2 and they shed a lot and also their poop and farts smell so it isn't only dogs. You just need to meet other dogs or was that dog and that way you can like dogs a little better.

What is the deal with dog lovers?

Why do u have something agenst them

What is the deal with dog lovers?

Thats just one dog...I am a dog lover but I understand that there are good dogs but then there also bad dogs...not all dogs are bad.

What is the deal with dog lovers?

lol, I don't know why people like anything they like, but I just accept and don't ask. We all have different loves and different things we can tolerate because of that love.

Anyway, I feel your pain... you are kind to help a friend, but suggest you NEVER ever babysit for a dog again. :)

What is the deal with dog lovers?

Hi ,,,,, Dear Caring for the animal..... do you have running water,,, try giving the dog a bath,, and yourself also..... do you not have air conditioning..... maybe you should use some of that beer money for it.......or maybe quit smoking all those non-filter cigarettes.......

Shape up or ship out !!!!

good luck

What is the deal with dog lovers?

I would not like to be in your shoes... probably because they're covered in dog slobber.

I don't know what the deal is with dog lovers either, I'm more of a cat person myself- they're cleaner, they poop in one easy-to-clean box, they can be left alone for longer periods of time, and they won't eat themselves sick. Some people are so lonely that they need an animal that's dependent on them and needs constant supervision to feel loved. Still though, if they want that kind of dependence, at least get a cleaner, smaller dog.

What is the deal with dog lovers?

OMG! Just because this ONE dog is old and stinky, doesn't mean all dogs are like it. Maybe she is stinky because her owner doesn't care for her like he should. (After all he is a truck driver!) Don't judge all dogs based on one imparticular. You should get one for your daughter, not only will it teach her responsibility but it will bring happiness to your home.

What is the deal with dog lovers?

With the dog being older, she probably needs a bath, and a shave, it is to hot for her. That's why she sweating, and scratching, and pulling her hair out. Not the dogs fault, it's the owners. she is eating the cat's after mass, because she is not getting the nutritions that she needs.

What is the deal with dog lovers?

My question to you is "What is the deal with you?" By making such a sweeping generalization about dogs and dog lovers based upon your one bad experience, you have officially joined the ranks of ignorant bigots everyone.

Congratulations on being in the same frame of mind as the Klu Klux Klan, Skinheads, and Nazis.

May you enjoy the company of your kindred close-minded people, like those who picture all Americans as ignorant loud-mouthed cowboys.

Finally, I hope that you do not always remain on the same page with those who thought women belonged at home barefoot and pregnant rather than in the work force.

Bravo for proving once again that some humans simply are not capable of rational thought.

Why is it that so many people jump to generalizations and stereotypes with so little experiences or information to guide them?

What is the deal with dog lovers?

i think if it were your dog that you raised since it was a puppy you'd feel differently.

I cant stand other peoples stupid obnoxious whiny screaming kids, but i am pretty sure I'd feel differenly if I had my own..

What is the deal with dog lovers?

that dog is badly trained and is too big for you, you sound like a shi-tsu person or an american eskimo person, please dont give up because of one bad dog this just isnt the dog for you, iv had a few cats that werent the cat for me because of the fact that they would attack me and never use the litter box but i didnt stop and say that all cats are bad its just the kind you get and now i have 3 cats and 2 well behaved dogs due to good training :) try another breed next time eh? i promiss to god you will find one

What is the deal with dog lovers?

I agree and disagree.

Dogs can be kept clean and well groomed.

However, you are correct that people should not regard them as humans and becoming emotionally attached to pets is not healthy.

What is the deal with dog lovers?

Your big mistake is watching someone else's dog. Not everyone has the time to spend on their dogs. It is time you tell the owner to have somebody else to watch his dog. It is time you realize that your not a dog person and move on. Good luck in this .....

What is the deal with dog lovers?

All dogs have different personality. It just sounds like you have a jerk in your hands or most likely doesn't realize she's doing anything bad. Try researching on the Internet for how to train dogs and solutions for your other problems.

I love both cats and dogs. The reason why I love dogs is because they're affectionate and loyal.

Good luck with the dog you have right now and hopefully you'll learn to love dogs, too.

What is the deal with dog lovers?

No one can bind you to like all kind of dogs, but you should admit that there are certain dogs for certain people. You can not compare a coker with a golden retriver.

What is the deal with dog lovers?

I've really nothing against animals. Really, nothing at all... well... perhaps the hair that gets everywhere *sneeze*. But that's it. Nothing else really... okay, okay... perhaps the smell of them; wet hair, dog breath, etc... and the, ahem, fun clean-up. But besides that, nothing at all! Well, maybe the noise. I'm not particularly excited about the noise; barking, meowing, the squeeky scream of the mouse when my ex-girlfriends Boa Constrictor, Lucifer, gets lunch... Did I cover everything? I think that's everything... The real challenge I have is not with the cute little darlings, but with the precious little things keepers: the owners!! How they dress them up, and treat them like one of the family... and maybe they ARE one of the family, no biggie. BUT! It's how they talk baby talk, and treat them not only like one of their kids, but BETTER than their own family?!! How they actually think the sweet little poopkins have human personalities! How they anthropomorphically characterize the little tikes is beyond me! No, little pipsqueek is NOT thinking deeply about what you just said to him! They're thinking, "Give me some food, bra!!" Now, don't get me wrong, I've owned, er, I mean, I've been a "guardian" to a number of fuzzy and cuddly, (and cold and fishy) vermin. For instance, and this should get me some, "ooo's" and "awwww's" from my friends, I was cooking breakfast for my roommate (awww...), and I ran out of OJ. So, asking my roommie if she needed anything else from the grocery (tsk... so sweet), I heard a strange sound eminating from outside. On closer inspection, I realized that it was coming from my garage!! A mewing of such high sonorousness as to bring pictures of great, giant nails raking across the blackboard of life... so much that tears came to my eyes! (mm... so sensitive) Well, following this particular intonation, I lift up a piece of cardboard and there she is, squeeking away in all of her 5 days of life; a kitten! Squeeks, the Cat. With tears in my eyes (aw), from the strain of the high pitched din, I gather little Squeeks in my fingers (that's how small she was), and took her into the comfort of my condominium (unbeknownst to the evil home owners association). I couldn't bottle feed her, so I used a dropper to feed the little rodent. And one night I discovered how kittens go to the bathroom... and how you have to, ahem, coax them to do so. (Trust me, you don't want to know.) So, from dropper, to bottle... brand spanking new razor sharp daggers for gutting unsuspecting birds and mice (awww... isn't she cute!!), fine, new baby hair flying ALL OVER THE FREAKING PLACE... to aloof attitudes and anthropomorphic looks of superiorority... and attacking little Buddy the Beagle (yeah, i had a dog too...), who howled bloody murder each and every time the little witch laughingly attacked him, all the while KNOWING I didn't like the howl of the beagle... well... *pimp pops collar* anyway... she grew to a beautiful, and faithful, little darling of a cat. So yeah. I KNOW about the little cuddly cruds, BELIEVE ME! I almost fell into the trap of actually believing good ol' Squeeks actually WAS human. So, all of you animal owners; Chick i dated with rottweiler who wouldn't stop barking (that's why i left, hun). Guy who owns 25 cats who wanted me to help him clean his garage (i don't think so, pal). AND lady who talks about her, gulp, chickens... all the flippin' time... they're just pets!! No more, no less. Cute? sure. Fun? you bet! Scary as **** to strangers when they come to your house for the first freaking time! oh HELLS YEAS...

What is the deal with dog lovers?

I am a cat person too. I do have a dog who I love to bits, but that dog owner seems a little too, ummmmm, lenient when it comes to teaching his dog manners. At least he doesn't have a child. Poor thing would probably have psychological problems.

That stinks. I mean litterally too. 98 degrees, ouch.

I don't think all dog lovers are like that. Most dog lovers train their dogs to be polite, and quiet, but also give them treats and toys. If he is a truck driver she is probably always at dog sitter's houses and not with one person all the time that she can depend on. I think for that dog's sake, he should be adopted by someone who has the time to take care of the dog.

Good luck with the dog, and I hope the temperature cools down where you live.

What is the deal with dog lovers?

Some dogs are very good but some dogs are not so nice to be around. In any case it sounds like that dog needs to go to a groomer to get cleaned up. That would help with all the extra hair and smel. I know it is not your dog so not your job.

Just undersand that I have been to nursing homes that have dogs there and the people there love haveing them. Those dogs get feed very well.

What is the deal with dog lovers?

You can always tell a good person if they love dogs.

What is the deal with dog lovers?

Dogs are GREAT all they ask from us is food and LOVE.

Dogs will give you loyalty ( most humans wont) and in-regards to the smell well... maybe you should bathe her more often. Maybe not everybody is a dog lover but let me tell you something It sounds to me like you are getting a LOT in return for caring for an old dog.

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