Thursday, June 17, 2010

Long hair doxin 4 months old such a cutie?

My ex gf has a long hair doxin about 4 months old. We would like to know when her dog should start growing its hair out. Its still short.

Long hair doxin 4 months old such a cutie?

was your puppy fluffy when you got it???if yes then the coat would have started getting longer,sometimes the long haired one don't come into their full coat till they are a bit older...

if the puppy was smooth coated when you got it..then it will stay smooth

Long hair doxin 4 months old such a cutie?

what the helll? Geoff?

Long hair doxin 4 months old such a cutie?

If your doxie did not come with long hair already, she may not be a long hair.

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